Monday, October 27, 2008

And so it begins..

Here it is!
A blog!

Finally, after years and years of coming oh-so-close to starting one and here it is!

This time, of course, it's not solely my own doing, no sir. Someone awfully close to me (though not literally) has made me create this horrible monster that may or may not take full control over my life. Assuming that this pod I currently inhabit can be considered a life.

So, it's bloody nine twenty-three pee-emm.
I ought to be working on the idiotic essay that's been sitting on the lower blue bar of the screen for quite some time now. Damn you, Chaucer. Damn you, Canterbury Tales.

Fuck, I can't be bothered. Really.

I'd rather be sleeping with him right now. Yes, /sleeping/. It's rather sad how such a simple statement can carry such a dirty connotation along with it. I blame the youth of our times.

Y'know, I wasn't supposed to begin my writing on this so soon.. But It seems fair enough since he posted on his blog today. AND FAILED TO INFORM ME. -_-" Had I not been the adorable stalker that I am, I wouldn't have found out.

I suppose duty calls. By duty I mean the disdain-worthy essay that sits glaring at me smugly from the bottom of the screen. Grr. Blame my horrible writing on the stress-induced anxiety.

Tonight's To-Do List: (Or to-week's.)

- Canterbury Tales Essay (Thank Buddha you're already dead, Chaucer!)
- MUN Position papers
- Spanish Ode to.. French Fries?
- US History Poem on freaking John Adams. (Horrible little balding man.)
- Chemistry Exams
- History of HN bonus points essay (Which I clearly won't do. How bloody absurd.)
- Algebra II week's worth of homeworks.
- AP Psychology Exam on the Brain
- Clothes shopping for Stanford trip
- Sleep

Cheerios from the land of dead,
What's Her Face.